Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, April 13, 2009

enter the wonderful world of ME.

"Until you've faced
all the mistakes you've made,
You'll never change."
I'm starting over.
Everyone reaches a breaking point....the fork in the road,
where you have to choose which path you're going to continue on,
the person you want to be.
The decision to be happy.
To stay positive through all life's challenges.
It's never easy, I have learned this the hard way.
I never thought I'd be the girl I've become.
I want more.
I deserve more.
It's time to stop using being young as an excuse to not grow up.
Everyone has different trials, different pains & heartache.
The last 4 years of my life have had many ups and downs.
I never imagine my life would go the way it has,
and I have no one to blame but myself.

I want to be happy.
To be content with the life I am living.
To love the girl I am.

Today is another day to strive to be her.
Its never to late to start over.
Thank goodness for that.