Thursday, November 26, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Where did the Days go?!
Holy Cow...
it's almost Thanksgiving...
2009 is nearly gone.
I need to play catch up since I've been slacking on the posts.
Here we's gonna be a looong one.
it's almost Thanksgiving...
2009 is nearly gone.
I need to play catch up since I've been slacking on the posts.
Here we's gonna be a looong one.

I probably have never mentioned that my sister-in-law
Cat has been involved in martial arts
for a few years now.
She started off with karate
and fell in love.
Cat has been training for the last 2 years
as a MMA fighter.
*Mixed Martial Arts for anyone who doesn't know what that means.
If you've ever watched UFC...that's it.
She has pretty much been training with guys because
there are really not many female fighters in Utah.
Anywoo her very first fight was a few weeks ago on
October 24th in Wendover.
So Will & I headed up EARLY Saturday morning
after he got off work - so 5am.
The only thing Will asked was to make sure the Mazda had gas.
It had a half tank & Wendover isn't too far so I thought we were good.
About an hours or so into the trip Will notices the gas light is about to come on,
and we passed the last gas station about 20 minutes back.
This resulted in some arguing & raised voices.
We were tired and even I knew if we did run out of gas
we were going to be chillin on the side of the road for awhile.
I tried to be positive and told Will that we needed to have a good attitude,
and hopefully we'd make it to the gas station.
His response....
Ok then.
After what seemed the longest 25 minutes of my life
& a lot of silent praying
we made it to the gas station right outside Wendover!!
We got to the hotel and crashed till late afternoon,
and then met up with Cat at the buffet!!

She got it done Thursday so her hair would keep out of her face during the fight.
And I gotta said it made her look pretty intimidating.
The fight started @ 8pm
so we along with my Father-in-law, Mother-in-law, and a few of Cats friends hung out
to save our seats.
The only crappy part was the fights were outside
and it was freezing.

*And us freezing our butts off waiting for it to begin.

I handled the video camera, so no pics were taken.
It was a GREAT fight and Cat impressed the heck outta me!
Everyone was yelling and cheering.
They went all 3 rounds too.
Unfortunately she didn't win...
which honestly was not called right because
Cat beat the CRAP out of her opponent.
I am not being biased either.
When they announced the other girl the winner
everyone started booing!
And many drunk people stopped her in the casino
to tell her she should have won.

The left side of her check was bruised and a little swollen
but that was it.
Cat informed us that the girl she fought was pretty banged up
and her eyes were almost swollen shut
because of the hits to the face Cat gave her during the 3rd round.
Like I said....Cat should have won.
*Her hair after the Cornrows came out.

Anyways it was a great experience for her
and now she can continue on with fighting.
She loves it...
Now personally I could not
do what she does.

Now onto our Montana trip!!
It was my very first time in Montana period.
November 1st-6th.
Will's Grandpa Jerry & Step-Grandma Betty
live in the little town of
Which is about a 12 hr drive.
We left Sunday night around 8pm
and Will pretty much drove the entire time except the last 3 hours.
Because of work his time clock is screwed up anyways.
The ride up was pretty easy
beside the herds of Elk we saw.
Will & his dad were freaking out and kept waking me up,
telling me to look!!
I'll admit there was a ton of them just crossing the road
and hanging out in the fields on the side.
I was still kind of sick so I ended up taking some Nyquil
and passed out about 3am.
We arrived in town Monday morning at 9:30am.
Gpa Jerry was heading in to knee replacement surgery that morning
so we got to the house
said hello to Betty since Jerry was already in surgery
and fell asleep till late afternoon.

They live on a whole bunch of land
and since Will is a hunter
he spent the first two days in his ground blind
with his bow waiting for a BIG buck!
It was my first experience with anything hunting...
The rules?

and so after I finished my book
I got kinda bored.
I had the camera so of course I started taking pictures!

And once Will told me I was making too much noise
I turned my ipod on...
and began my show!
I turned my ipod on...
and began my show!

after I got my series of giggles & coughing going on
Will kicked me out of the blind
for not being QUIET enough............
I think he realized that I really am not a country girl or hunter.
But I sure can dress like one!!!

The rest of the week was great to met some of Will's family
I hadn't yet met.
We saw Couples Retreat & Zombieland.
Tried a few of the towns classic little restaurants...
But the best part of the trip was getting to spend time together.
With his work hours being so crazy we rarely
get any quality time to just hang out.
We tell each other
"I like you"
a lot.
More than we say
I love you.
Because we know that we love each other.
But actually liking someone for who they are can be difficult sometimes.
For us it means more.
I think every couple have their own ways of expressing their love...
that is ours.

and got up early to move on Saturday.
I've already expressed how much I hate moving.
But its done.
We are in our new home
and back to our every day lives.
And with Thanksgiving being just around the corner
I want to say that I am thankful
for Will & marriage because:

Posted by Will and Tacy at 9:43 PM 0 comments
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Busy Busy Busy!
Ok. So I'm writing this post @ 1am
and we're heading to Montana
to visit Will's grandparents in a few hours.
I have never been there yet in the four years of
Will & I, although I've been invited many times.
I am excited cause I've never been to Montana
And a week to spend with Will
with NO work or anything!
and we're heading to Montana
to visit Will's grandparents in a few hours.
I have never been there yet in the four years of
Will & I, although I've been invited many times.
I am excited cause I've never been to Montana
And a week to spend with Will
with NO work or anything!

However we get back to Utah on Friday the 6th
So I've been packing all afternoon and night
because we have to have everything packed up before we leave to Montana.
And packed our suitcase for the trip as well.
Will had to work today and won't be home till 2:30am.
So I hate packing because I get distracted very easy
and jump from project to project.
Example: Me posting a new blog post.
But I did get a lot done. But have more to do!
Like pack the entire kitchen.

And the cherry on top?!
I started feeling sick yesterday.
I have a horrible cough and sore throat
feeling like crap is stuck in my throat...
I'm thinking Bronchitis.

But no worries.
I shall endure.
I always do!
We're off to Montana in a few hours!!
I shall endure.
I always do!
We're off to Montana in a few hours!!
Posted by Will and Tacy at 12:52 AM 0 comments
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